Full Mailbox

No matter how large a mailbox is, it is always possible to fill it. Indeed, this is quite easy, almost inevitable, if the PC / tablet / smartphone has been configured to use the IMAP4 system, which we do not recommend, instead of POP3, almost always better.

POP3: when we receive it, the received mail is automatically deleted on the server, so the server never fills beyond the limits. The user can choose to still leave a copy of the mail received on the server for a short period, which can be prudent if he fears that his PC is overdrawn and does not hold any emergency copy of his disk. The mail sent does not remain on the server.

IMAP4: a copy of all mail - sent and received - and of all the folders, including the bin, remains on the server indefinitely. (This makes sense in companies where employees change PCs continuously and the IMAP4 server is physically inside the company).

When your mailbox approaches the maximum capacity, you are automatically sent an alert that invites you to clean up. If the alert is ignored and the box completely fills a message arrives saying Your mailbox is full. Please delete unnecessary emails. Your mailbox has reached and exceeded the maximum allowed limit.

To solve, simply proceed in this way.

  1. Connect to our webmail using yourusername and e-mail address.
  2. Visit the folders that are displayed on the left, including the sent mail, and binned what you do not need.
  3. Empty the Trash.

At the end, check that the percentage occupied in the lower left, next to the gear icon, has returned to a value close to zero.